Friday, January 1, 2016

Day 5 Research Notes on Western Civilization Books by Jackson J. Spielvogel

Book: Western Civilization Volume I: to 1715
Author: Jackson J. Spielvogel

Read this book for Western European Civilization Class

Chapter 1: The Ancient Near East: The First Civilization
Chapter 2: The Ancient Near East: Peoples and Empires
Chapter 3: The Civilization of the Greeks
Chapter 4: The Hellenistic World
Chapter 5: The Roman Republic
Chapter 6: The Roman Empire
Chapter 7: Late Antiquity and the Emergence of the Medieval World
Chapter 8: European Civilization in the Early Middle Ages, 750-1000
Chapter 9: The Recovery and Growth of European Society in the High Middle Ages
Chapter 10: The Rise of Kingdoms and the Growth of Church Power
Chapter 11: The Later Middle Ages: Crisis and Disintegration in the Fourteenth Century
Chapter 12: Recovery and Rebirth: The Age of the Renaissance
Chapter 13: Reformation and Religious Warfare in the Sixteenth Century
Chapter 14: Europe and the World: New Encounters, 1500-1800
Chapter 15: State Building and the Search for Order in the Seventeenth Century
Chapter 16: Toward a New Haven and a New Earth: The Scientific Revolution and the Emergence of Modern Science

Notes that I want to research

Chapter 1 Notes

  1. History of Jericho= oldest agricultural village
  2. History of Catal Huyuk
  3. History of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, India
  4. First major cities Eridu, Ur, Uruk, Umma, Lagash
  5. Naram-Sin or Sargon, Early Rulers
  6. Book of the Dead from the period of the New Kingdom

Chapter 2 Notes

  1. Saul= first king of the Israelites 1020-1000 BCE
  2. David was Saul's Lieutenant and made Jerusalem capital of Israelites
  3. Solomon is David's son 970-930 BCE and he built Temple in Jerusalem.
  4. Ark of the Covenant
  5. Kingdom of Israel, capital in Samaria, 10 Northern Tribes
  6. Kingdom of Judah, southern kingdom, 2 tribes, capital is Jerusalem
  7. The Ten Lost Tribes
  8. King Nebuchadnezzar II, 586 BCE
  9. Hebrew Bible= Old Testament of the Christian Bible
  10. Torah= law code
  11. Pentateuch= first 5 books
  12. Carthage was the Phoenicians' most famous colony
  13. History of Canaan
  14. Zoroastrianism= Persian Religion
  15. Sacred Book of Zoroastrianism= The Zend Avesta

Chapter 3 Notes

  1. Aegean region in 2800 BCE
  2. greek colonies
  3. Xerxes, Persian King
  4. Delian League
  5. Spartan History
  6. The world during Socrates time
  7. The world during Plato time
  8. History of the Academy, school created by Plato
  9. The world during Aristotle
  10. History of Oracle

Chapter 4 Notes

  1. slave trade in Hellenistic World
  2. Corinthian League
  3. Alexander the Great
  4. History of Alexandria, Egypt
  5. Darius, Emperor of Persia
  6. Hellenistic Kingdoms
    1. Macedonia under the Antigonid Dynasty
    2. Syria under the Seleucids
    3. Attalid Kingdom of Pergamum
    4. Egypt under Ptolemies
  7. Mauryan Empire
  8. Rhodes and Delos served as the major depots for the international grain trade
  9. Slavery in Hellenistic Times
  10. Delos major trading center
  11. Polybius c203-120 BCE or Polybus
  12. 3 famous Alexandria Scholars
    1. Aristarchus of Samos
    2. Eratosthenes
    3. Euclid
  13. Egyptian Cult of Isis
  14. mystery religions of the Hellenistic era
  15. jewish province of Judaea
  16. Judas Maccabaeus
  17. History of Yahweh

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